Subber vs Atlas3
Subber's premium features are tied to their NFTs, which creates a risk for present and future gated access to features for non-holders.
The following features are gated for holders on Subber or red flags you should know. These are outlined from Subber's holder benefits page -
🚩 Verification - Projects must own a Subber NFT to become verified on Subber.
🚩 Giveaway Re-roll - Community managers on Subber can re-roll giveaway winners, leading to insiders stealing spots and less conversion. Atlas3 does not give the ability to re-roll.
🚩 Giveaway Manual Draw - Community managers must manually run the draw to pick winners. Picking winners on Atlas3 is automated.
🚩 Manual Pre-sales post - Subber doesn't auto-post, so Community managers have stolen spots and posted.
🚩 Personalised Homefeed - Individual users must keep track of entered pre-sales and whitelisted projects.
🚩 Giveaways - Tracking entered giveaways is gated for their holders on Subber.
🚩 Upcoming Mints/Mint Calendar - The mint calendar is gated for Subber holders.
🚩 Wallet Collections - Tracking wallet collections is also gated.
🚩 Discounts - Discounts for boosted projects which in turn cuts into the partnership revenue.
🚩 Booster-based mint calendar - The mint calendar is skewed due to misaligned incentives, offering better visibility for boosted projects over organic data.
🚩 Auto-Enter Giveaways + Skip Tasks - The biggest of them all, Subber lets 10+ holders of their NFTs skip tasks and auto-enter giveaways. This leads to less conversion for mint, inactive users and uncertainty.
Last updated